The exchange for BitClout projects
what is it?
The BitClout marketplace for projects
✅PROJECT OWNER: list your BitClout project for sale by holding a minimum amount of $BitDeals coin on BitClout.
✅PROJECT BUYER: get access to top listings of BitClout projects for sale. Get connected with their owners to start the discussion, when you hold a minimum of $BitDeals coins.
© BitDeals 2021. All rights reserved.

To list your BitClout project or domain for sale...
Hold 0.5 $BitDeals
Post on BitClout and tag us (@BitDeals) with your: Project Name; Niche; Monthly Revenues; Number of Users; Asking Price
Your post will appear on the site! When a buyer expresses interest, we will connect you with them via a dedicated, private Discord channel✔️

To browse BitClout projects and domains for sale, and contact their owners...
Hold 0.5 $BitDeals
Browse current listings
Send us a DM on BitClout (@BitDeals) with the name of the business, and we'll connect you with the seller via a dedicated, private Discord channel✔️
Our Current Domain Listings
Our Current Project Listings